6 Things You Need To Know About 阴道整型的 | DPS-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网

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通过 博士. 米歇尔Sieffert |

6 Things You Need To Know About 阴道整型的

细节 & Benefits Of This Elegant Procedure

Those who aren’t completely familiar with 阴道整型的 may not fully understand why someone would seek it for themselves. 在唐纳森,我们通过澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网教育来提高意识和理解. 我们让个人能够做出明智的决定,从而过上更充实、更丰富的生活.

第一个 Things 第一个: What Is 阴道整型的?

阴唇成形术是任何改变小阴唇形状或大小的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台, which are the inner lips of the female genitalia. It may also include other features, 比如阴蒂帽缩小或者外阴唇更丰满.

The goal of a 阴道整型的 is to create a smaller, more proportionate, or “tucked in” appearance of the vulva. 它是在局部麻醉下进行的,这意味着手术的区域是完全麻木的, so you won’t feel a thing. 

6 facts you should know about 阴道整型的:

1. Personal Motivation Matters

虽然有些人寻求手术来减轻身体不适或刺激, others may do so for aesthetic reasons. 许多阴唇整形手术是为想要改变阴唇大小和比例的年轻女性进行的, 或者对于产后想要恢复阴唇外观的母亲.

阴道整型的 is also sometimes employed for medical reasons, like if the size of the labia is causing pain or chronic UTIs.

2. Your Surgeon’s 技术 May Vary


修剪和. 楔 技术

修剪技术是一种更简单的方法,包括直接切割多余的皮肤,并沿着边缘缝合区域. 楔形法在多余组织的中间采用“v”形切口,并将边缘连接在一起.

Dr. Sieffert和Dr. 唐纳森更喜欢使用一种改良的楔形技术,只去除皮肤,而不伤害内部的功能组织. 这种方法最大限度地减少了疤痕和潜在的感觉丧失,同时大大降低了潜在风险的机会, with less than 1% of patients experiencing complications.

3. Recovery Is Quicker Than You Think

Recovery time varies among individuals, but typically patients can expect some discomfort, 肿胀, bruising for a few days. 医生会建议你在接下来的几天里戴上填充物,并涂上药膏,以促进伤口愈合. Most patients only stay home for a day or two to take it easy. It’s smooth sailing from there!

4. You’ll Notice Some Unexpected Benefits

患者报告说,阴唇成形术后做运动等体育活动感觉更舒服, 骑自行车, or even wearing certain types of clothing. 阴唇成形术可以帮助减轻亲密关系带来的焦虑,也可以减轻穿紧身衣服或泳装带来的压力. 它可以缓解由阴唇不规则引起的摩擦和不适, it can even mean an easier time maintaining hygiene in the area.

5. It Won’t Impact Childbirth

因为阴唇成形术是一种改变小阴唇大小或形状的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台, is generally not expected to directly affect childbirth. 该手术的重点是生殖器的外观,不涉及任何内部生殖器官或结构的改变,涉及分娩.

最终, 如果你正在考虑阴唇成形术,并计划将来要孩子, 与你的外科医生讨论你的计划是明智的,这样你就能全面了解你的阴唇可能发生的变化.

6. High Satisfaction Rate

在过去的十年里,阴唇整形术的普及程度有了实质性的提高. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 在美国,阴唇整形手术的数量有了显著的增长, making it one of the fastest-growing cosmetic surgeries. 研究表明,许多接受阴唇成形术的人对结果非常满意. Positive outcomes often include improved self-esteem, reduced discomfort, increased comfort during physical activities.

At This Point, You May Be Wondering: Should I Get A 阴道整型的?

阴唇成形术是一种低风险,低停机时间,微创手术,可以改变生活. 我们总是建议患者做他们的研究,并采取任何他们觉得最舒服的计划. You should never feel uncomfortable or rushed during this process.

Remember: It Is Your Personal Decision

仅仅因为你想改变自己的某些方面,并不意味着你对自己身体的爱有所减少. 你的阴唇成形术的长期效果会增强你内心的自信,并将其带入你生活的方方面面.

有些澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台在这个过程中感到有点脆弱,这是正常的. Our team of experienced providers 会尽其所能帮助你尽可能舒适吗. 你的外科医生应该对你进行手术指导,并表现出同情心,让你感到放松.

Are You Ready To Take The Next 一步 In Your Confidence Journey?

Board-certified plastic surgeons, Dr. 米歇尔Sieffert和Dr. 杰弗里·唐纳森 are here whenever you’re ready to take the first step. 我们在这里为您的每一步-从您的第一个电话,直到您对您的结果感到满意.


Dr. 米歇尔Sieffert is an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon in Columbus, Ohio. 在她任职期间,她已经完成了数百例成功的阴唇整形手术,并继续磨练她的手术技巧. Dr. Sieffert also has extensive, 莱特州立大学整形和重建外科部门的实践培训帮助指导了她10多年的职业生涯.

